Full Moon in Sagittarius Tarot Reading for the Collective
What is my underlying belief system about the world?
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Sarah Faith Gottesdiener says in The Moon Book, “Under the intensity of a full moon, we can no longer ignore the tension between what we need and what we want. Or what we have and what we actually need.”
Yesterday’s Full Moon in Sagittarius opposed the Gemini Sun, driving home the message that the full moon can be not only a time of emotional fullness but also a time of heightened illumination. Sabrina Monarch discusses how when this occurs, we start to see a “bigger picture understanding” and a “greater sense of meaning, through or because of all the information encountered.”
If Gemini is an archetype that delights in collecting information for the sake of information’s sake, the Sagittarius archetype represents the delight in the meaning behind the information. What is the underlying belief system? How can we find meaning to what we know?
I commonly associate Sagittarius with truth and journeys because we learn by being in the world, which isn’t necessarily approved by an institution or a linear trajectory. The question comes up, what makes something true? Is it something that we consider to be universal? That never changes?
Sagittarius asks us to explore our relationship to our underlying belief systems. This Full Moon in Sagittarius tarot reading for the collective is based on this exploration.
Card 1: What archetype currently represents my underlying belief system about the world? 6 of Wands
6 of Wands represents triumph of the collective spirit. We are born into a society where how we view the world is socially conditioned, including what we consider universal laws or truths. In the past, perhaps we struggled to understand and vocalize how we believe the world ought to be, how we should treat each other, what the purpose or the meaning is beneath what we do.
Yet we emerge victorious, with every faith that we are right in our intuitions and our conclusions. 6 of Wands represents the unapologetic confidence that stands for the energy that shapes how we now view reality.
We need a strong foundation, as excessive questioning can leave us stuck in place. Sometimes we need to be firm about what we believe and have the integrity to defend our beliefs to the outside world.
This archetype encourage us to not be silent about what we care about.
Card 2: How is my worldview limiting me from expanded consciousness? 9 of Cups
What is known is familiar. While we continuously reach for one cup, limiting ourselves to one idea of reality, there are many more cups of consensus reality. We are being called to witness what may even be happening on a subconscious level, and see how we can get curious about what we take at face-value. How can we pull ourselves out of our complacency? Or begin to recognize the difference between contentment and complacency?
The element water is associated with emotions, and expanding our consciousness requires listening with a compassionate heart. Working with water, whether that is taking a bath or being in nature can also help shift our perspective.
If there is a new idea or proposal over the coming days, do not immediately dismiss it. Take your time to be gentle with experiencing this in the body.
Card 3: Is my life currently aligned to my truth? 10 of Pentacles
An emphatic YES! 10 of Pentacles is the current moment of pleasure, where we look towards our future with complete awareness for our blessings. There is a sense of union in how our life and our truth are a match, a closer match than in the past. There is a sense of clarity into our future path that feels promising. Our expectations and how we interpret and understand our reality are in a flow that feels more at ease. 10 of Pentacles is also a reaffirming placement as we stand up for our beliefs about the world, as represented by the victorious essence of 6 of Wands, and how we live our life follows our beliefs about the world. There is accord and harmony in what we do and what we believe.
Decks Used:
Seventh Sphere
Written By: Irene Lo